Friday, 12 October 2012

US Fish and Wildlife Service supports NBI

The US Fish and Wildlife Service has awarded Northern Bald Ibis conservation project with US$24,821 through its Wildlife Without Borders programme.

This is one of only twelve selected for funding, out of one hundred proposals received.

Those funds will be used to improve knowledge about movements of NBI as well as for improving breeding habitat and roosts, as well as trying to attrack birds to deserted colonies.

Another recent contribution from the Mohamed bin Zayed Species Conservation Fund will also help to improve knowledge about the movements of the species.


  1. Delighted to learn that USFWS has supported this and clearly recognises how important this work is. Good luck with getting further support including for the wardening! Chris Bowden

  2. Thanks, Chris, for your comment. In fact, it is crucial to get more funds for this issue, although we still have enought for the basic wardens' expenses for the next 18 months, but other expenses are not covered yet.
    Any help is welcome!!


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